Monday, March 1, 2010


I geeked out at Walmart today because there's a new line of makeup, really geared for teenagers. Mascaras in brilliant colors that have nothing to do with natural looks. Etc, etc. I mention the mascara because that's what made me smile. I got one that falls in the range of blues I'm forever attracted to. For many years I've studiously said that all colors are my favorite--a color alone is just not the same as a color next to another---- but I have to say. Any blue in a range of royal blue to deep cerulean, has to be about the best.

Then, as I drove home, the sky ahead of me was saturated cerulean with the burnt orange blend, and in my rear view mirror the sky was the deepest royal blue imaginable. Ah. Philosophically I like a gray sky. It's easier to drive on a gray day. Good moody clouds sometimes reflect my thoughts. But in the end, I realized, I am so glad the sky is blue. The lofty reaches of the heavens: blue: deep, rich. Blue.

Sky. Water. Water colored by tanic acid: ripples of dark blue, light blue, rich brown.
This makes me want to paint.

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