Saturday, August 1, 2009

Garage sale of thought

Because I went to the bank this morning, and because "childhood home benefactor" did not return my call to see if today was a good time to stop by, I ended up in Pierceton Blue Lion for a couple hours eating my lunch of oreo cheesecake and chattering with my friend Esther.

Because the town was in the middle of "Pierceton Days" we walked over to a book sale in front of the library (a lovely little Carnegie that I remember from oh so little, and the smell and cool dimness)...  And I bought 23 books and a VHS of "Music Man" for $8.75.  Children's books.  McBroom (Sid Fleischman) and Dr. Seuss and many others that are just as lovely but less-known.

Then my redheaded Bex-sister turned up, which is funny because we do not live in that town.  But she had been helping some friends with a garage sale, I guess.  She led us back to that place (the residents thereof being my reason not to go to a Downhere concert next week!).  Mrs. said in a very entrepreneurial spirit, "We have what you are looking for!"  And I bought, for $19.25:  a desk to refinish (my arms are jello now from sanding); a length of brilliant red Donagal Tweed, as well as a brilliant red/black plaid of the same; a winsome little cloth box for letters or mementos; and 6 cds, 5 of which are certainly worth the $1, one I just have no idea, looking rather indie/synth oriented.

It began to sprinkle as we headed back to Main Street to watch the parade.  A parade is a parade.. but I have to say that the awesomest part of this parade was the old men from the Lion's club zipping around in gokarts in a big figure 8!  But the shriners horse people did pretty cool stuff.  Uniforms &c.
I am 24 and this year is already different than the last.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing what 24 brings...
    Glad you are enjoying it :-)
