Monday, January 24, 2011

I've got a little stretch of sidewalk to shovel. I feel like part of a cozy community when I do it. Sometimes the neighbors have beat me to it, but I think they realize I do get to it.

I stomped around the house tonight memorizing the first three verses of Hebrews 12, emphasizing phrases by words and syllables. (Could I have but select chapters from the Bible, I'd start with Psalm 103 and Hebrews 12). My cat was mystified and entertained by my antics. He'd certainly never seen me act quite like that. And that, after a shocking hour of piano practice. "THEREFORE. SINCE. WE. ARE. SURR.OUND.ED.BY.SUCH.A.GREAT.CLOUD.OF.WITNESSES. LET US THROW OFF EVERY HINDRANCE AND THE SIN THAT.SO.EASILY.EN.TANG.LES.LET.US.FIX.OUR.EYES.ON.JESUS."

The spiritual journey sure has its valleys and mountains. How simple is the Gospel, really? Life just isn't simple. The journey is long. The only really unmovable pillar is the rock of Jesus Christ. "THE AUTHOR.AND.PERFECTOR.OF.OUR.FAITH." Spinning in a mind battle of fears, insecurities, and failures, I've found such peace lately: not counseling myself out of my fears. But dwelling on Jesus' unchanging faithfulness. What if the 'worst case scenario' does happen? I don't want to think about it. But the deepest fear--the fear of annihilation--is answered in He "WHO.FOR.THE.JOY.THAT.WAS. SET.BEFORE.HIM.ENDURED.THE.CROSS." Stormy waves don't move Him. I believe His word that He doesn't change, and I believe He speaks truth, which means it's true I can hide in His sheltering love.

No matter what happens in this life, my soul is safe in His refuge. What can death do, anyway?--hasten the day of everlasting peace? I'm not marginalizing the pain that happens in life. But I've found such refuge of soul in Jesus Christ.

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