Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sleepy Thoughts About Knowledge

I am groggy.  I was groggy after lunch, and napped all afternoon.  Now, at just 10:30, I feel I could go to bed already.  What's up with that? I was in bed by 1:30 last night and slept til 8 at least.  

My life has been one long struggle between vulnerability and stoicism.  When I entered the blogging world in 2005, I quickly developed a habit of talking about everything that happens to me; all my random thoughts; I'd even talk about specific relational hypothetical versions.

I've done a lot of reflection to try figure out who I am.  What have I learned by doing so?  I've learned that I cannot ever know myself completely.  And probably nobody can ever know another person completely.  Perhaps the best way to know someone is to know them as an unknowable person, and then just enjoy the bits that I can learn.  I'm glad there is a God who made me and DOES know everything about me.  When my soul hides from my mind, I know God knows what's up.  When I worship God in intent, but feel it not (like I'm calling through a lead sky) I know God sees all.  

While understanding myself helps understand others, I have to allow others to surprise me at any turn.  I love book covers.  They can say so much about the book.  And they can be so wrong.  That doesn't make the cover something to ignore.  It's just that when it comes to understanding the book, the cover is trumped by the contents.

I guess that's life.  Finding patterns to live by, then being alert to the barrage of exceptions.  Rethinking the patterns; again, welcoming exceptions.  At least that's been life as I've known it. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha... I think I am where you were.

    My blog is a place where I can get to know me... and maybe give others a glimpse into my life too.

    As I told a friend a few weeks ago... I feel like a loner. I have lots of friends, but I have no idea how to communicate who I am to them. I usually end up on the listening end... so I hear all about them and they are left with perceptions.

    It is good to konw, to be known, to understand, and to know that God is the only one who can truly "know" us.

    I too am groggy... after several naps and a good night's sleep... I think we're both still recovering from last weekend.

    Thanks for the chat this morning!
